Dry fog
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"Dry fog"- what is it?
1 "Dry fog" is a special liquid that is sprayed under pressure, turning into a fine droplet mixture, on
the heating element, which is heated to a high temperature, in a specially designed device for this
liquid. "Dry fog" is created as a result of evaporation of this liquid, and it is responsible for removing
the smell.
2 At the exit from the device due to the combustion of the liquid, the fog is completely dry, and what
we see just the smallest particles that resemble smoke. After such processing, there are no traces and
smudges left.
3 "Dry fog" consists of the smallest microparticles of 0.5 microns, which act directly on the source of
the smell at the molecular level.
Where do unpleasant odors come from?
1 Some materials used in everyday life emit chemical microparticles that fill the room with
unpleasant odors. For example, new furniture.
2 They arise in the process of addiction to bad habits. For example, smoking.
3 They arise in the process of human or animal life. For example, the smell of perspiration or the
smell of animals.
4 They arise in the process of working with food, chemistry, petroleum products, etc. For example,
shops, markets, car dealerships.
5 They arise in the process of accidents. For example, the smell of burning, rotting.
Where is «Dry fog» applied?
1 "Dry fog" is universal and has unlimited access to any objects that require the elimination of
unpleasant odors, or giving a refined flavor.
2 No other substances are able to get into invisible cracks and porous surfaces.
3 “Dry fog” instantly covers large areas that need aromatization or the destruction of odors, while it
does not mask odors, but destroys them at the molecular level. "Dry fog" does not damage the
surface, does not leave spots or smudges. Eco-friendly and safe.
In which cases is the use of the "Dry fog" method relevant?
«Dry fog» is a revolution in odor removal technology!
"Dry fog" allows you to remove odors in any room or car interior:
- tobacco smoke,
- vomiting after an upset stomach,
- animal urine - dogs, cats, etc.,
- burning after a fire in the apartment or at the neighbors,
- spoiled foods in the apartment or refrigerator,
- burnt food,
- after baiting of rodents or insects,
- illness or death,
- plastic from new electrical appliances,
- varnish, paint or linoleum and so on after repair in an apartment,
- gasoline,
- rubber
- naphthalene,
- new furniture,
- dampness after the flood in the apartment,
- sewage from the bathroom or toilet,
- perspiration.
Using the “Dry Fog” method, you can clean furniture from odors: sofas, armchairs, beds, as well as
carpets, tapestries, floor coverings, rugs, etc.
What is ozone?
Ozone - O3, an allotropic form of oxygen, which is a powerful oxidizing agent of chemical and other
pollutants that are destroyed by contact. Unlike an oxygen molecule, an ozone molecule consists of
three atoms and has longer bonds between oxygen atoms. Ozone is the second most reactive
substance, second only to fluorine.
Ozone is one of the strongest natural oxidizing agents. The oxidizing potential of ozone is 2.07 V (for
comparison, it is 2.4 V for fluorine and 1.7 V for chlorine).
Ozone oxidizes all metals except gold and the platinum group, oxidizes sulfur and nitrogen oxides,
oxidizes ammonia with the formation of ammonium nitrite.
Ozone actively reacts with aromatic compounds with the destruction of the aromatic core. In
particular, ozone reacts with phenol with the destruction of the core. Ozone actively interacts with
saturated hydrocarbons with the destruction of double carbon bonds.
The interaction of ozone with organic compounds is widely used in the chemical industry and related
industries. Ozone reactions with aromatic compounds formed the basis of deodorization technologies
for various environments, rooms and wastewater.
Biological properties of Ozone.
Despite a large number of studies, the mechanism is not sufficiently disclosed. It is known that at high
concentrations of ozone, lesions of the respiratory tract, lungs and mucous membrane are observed.
Long-term ozone exposure leads to the development of chronic diseases of the lungs and upper
respiratory tract.
Exposure to small doses of ozone has a preventive and therapeutic effect and is beginning to be
actively used in medicine - primarily for dermatology and cosmetology.
Ozone therapy was very popular at one time - many people considered ozone almost a panacea for all
ailments. But a detailed study of the effects of ozone showed that, along with diseased cells, ozone
also affects healthy skin cells and lungs. As a result, unexpected and unpredictable mutations begin in
living cells. Ozone therapy has not taken root in Europe, and in the United States and Canada, the
official medical use of ozone is not legalized, except for alternative medicine.
In Russia, unfortunately, official medicine has not refused such a dangerous and insufficiently tested
method of therapy. Currently, air ozonators and ozonator installations are widely used. Small ozone
generators are used in the presence of people.
Advantages and disadvantages of Ozone
1 Of course, "Ozone" as a way of cleaning rooms of bacteria has firmly gained its position in
medicine. But, in everyday life, it is not able to clean the room from unpleasant odors. Bacteria
themselves do not smell and cannot serve as a source of unpleasant odor.
More information about this is available at this link.
2 For those who do not have time to read the article by reference in paragraph 1, we briefly inform
that Ozone has proven itself in medicine, but:
- Since 1995, the US Federal Trade Commission (in order to protect national public health),
manufacturers of ozonators are prohibited from declaring that their devices:
Effective in cleaning indoor air.
Do not produce harmful by-products.
Facilitate the conditions for allergy sufferers, asthmatics, etc.
The ability of ozone to oxidize organic and inorganic material has not yet been fully proven and its
effectiveness in removing pollutants such as pollen, dust, carbon monoxide, formaldehydes from the
air is very doubtful (contrary to the statements of some manufacturers).
Ozone, as practice shows, interacting with other pollutants, is able to produce even more harmful
chemical compounds than those intended to be removed from the air.
Based on the tests conducted, the US Federal Trade Commission issued a special decree on January 5,
1998, in which manufacturers of ozone units were prohibited from advertising the ability of their
devices to purify the air.
Ozonation is highly effective for sterilization of surfaces and the air environment of the room,
however, there is no effect of cleaning the air from mechanical impurities. The inability to use the
method in the presence of people and the need to carry out disinfection in a sealed room seriously
limits the scope of its professional application.
Recently, the media has published several more articles on the topic of ozonation.
We will not bring them in full.
We provide links to these publications.
To read or not to read, to believe or not to believe, it`s up to you.